MATH 214 Number Theory I Section 1, Fall 2024

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Instructor: Sankar Sitaraman

TEXT: A friendly introduction to Number Theory by J.H. Silverman (4th ed)
Class will meet 12.40pm to 2 pm MW in DGH 215.

OFFICE HOURS 11 TO 12 PM, MW, 1-2 PM, Th-Fri
THU ONLY on zoom.
Email for other times (ssitaraman AT howard, NOT bison.howard).

 Click here to get the latest UPDATE including homework problems, chapters covered in class, solutions for tests etc.,

Will try to keep up with syllabus as much as possible.

Class Attendance Restricted to Registered Students: Only students whose names appear on the official course roster are permitted to attend class meetings. Students who are not registered are not permitted to attend or participate in course activities, do not have access to Blackboard, cannot submit course assignments, and will not receive a grade for this course. It is the students' responsibility to ensure that they are properly registered by the published registration deadline. Requests to add courses after the deadline will not be considered.



WARNING: Using smartphone while studying or doing math is injurious to your math performance.
Please refrain from using smartphone in class.
Smartphone use is STRICTLY PROHIBITED during tests.
Anyone using a smartphone during a test is subject to an F grade, report to authorities or worse.

Homework, Wikipedia assignment, Tests, and grading

In this course we will try to do many examples and problems. Example problems will be worked out in every class. There will be weekly homework problems that will need to be turned in which will be assigned on update page.Please keep checking UPDATE page for problems and notes of what was done in class.

There will be 3 tests for 100 points each. Best 2 will count

Writing only answers in test, will fetch only small amount of credit. Please always explain your work and present solutions step by step. This will also help you to get partial credit even if answer is wrong.

At end of course a few homeworks will be dropped and some may be counted as extra credit. Will tell you how many later in the course.

Information about wikipedia assignment was sent by email.
Total: 500 points (Wikipedia 50, HW 150, Tests 200, Final: 100 )
A: 450-500
B: 400-449
C: 350-399
D: 300-349
F: Below 300

Academic Code of Student Conduct (please see Howard University handbook):
No copying, unauthorized use of calculators, books, or other materials, or changing of answers or other academic dishonesty will be tolerated. Cheating will not be tolerated. Anyone caught cheating will receive an F for the course and may be expelled from the university.

AMERICAN DISABILITIES ACT: Howard University is committed to providing an educational environment that is accessible to all students. In accordance with this policy, students in need of accommodations due to a disability should contact the Office of the Dean for Special Student Services (202-238-2420, for verification and determination of reasonable accommodations as soon as possible after admission and at the beginning of each semester as needed.

GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE: If you have any problems with class please contact me at my cell-phone or email.
If we cannot resolve the issue please contact undergaduate director Dr. Jill McGowan (jmcgowan AT howard, NOT bison.howard) in math dept.
If that doesn't help either please contact chairman Dr. Bourama Toni (bourama.toni AT howard, NOT bison.howard).

Statement on Interpersonal Violence: Howard University takes sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking and sexual harassment seriously. If a student reveals that he or she needs assistance with any of these issues, all responsible employees, including faculty, are required to share this information with the University Title IX Office (202-806-2550) or a student can be referred for confidential services to the Interpersonal Violence Prevention Program (IVPP) (202-238-2382) or the University Counseling Services (202-806-6870). For more information, please go to www.CampusSafetyFirst.Howard.Edu